Love poem

in a word

when the beloved's

name slips breathless

from the lover's lips

when the world's

heard from every poet

and each sweet poetess has sighed

her suitor's verse

both seeing beauty in the beholder's eye

we will be a loved one

The way is

plush with


berry blushed

heady with beech

spiced sassafras

balm of Gilead

a splash of

high winded water


by woodcock wings

the annulae

accrete from the

center of creation

protecting the pith

from antipathy

and antitrust

from crown to crux

Balloon rise

air born

over liquid horizons

on lazy Laputan errands

orbed, unerring levity

the sun's in their sphere

and the moon companion

by night

Dawn walkers

nursing fawn

and doe lapping

from rippleless lake rim

as a coal red sun

breaks day

from indigo

to undefinable blue

Lava sun's ascending

dopplegangered in

level quicksilver

mercurial seabirds glissade


twinned in the

stilled surface

unbroken by raucous crows

the spirit mist rises

insight to it's mistress

opaqued by habitual


unfamilial, unfaithful

through darkly liquored glass

denied enlightenment

by lacquered layers

intemperate tantrums

and compulsive

armor plate

a body of water

has no inner light

all aspect is superficial

reflected radiance

belying deep cold

at best shallow warmth

out of my depth

love's vessel

unable to bear

the disembarqued

squalling with sea change

It was my mistake

to love the Lady of the Lake



karma awry

watching the punching

of Dali's clock

the wholesale auctioning

of purchased integrity

leaves less than

unsummed parts

combing the over coifed beach

querulous, gulled, querying

What's the big idea?


was the beginning so dark

or did quarks spark the sinning

churlish nature vs. church verses

do heavenly choirs require

the Mason's spire

are we (et al)

just another

unjustified historical


or were the godheads we mime

high steppers in the quick sands

of good timing

From under mother's

fluttering wing

past the stale mate

of the treasure chess board

ignoring infamy's clapping

in another's time

breaking the traffic

in gridlock monotony

sundering all the textbook cases

there was only the sound of

my son's thunder

36 thousand and

5 hundred optimisms

days of unbent rays

gifts of presence

and unprismed surprise

in essence

the present is the prize

time's reprise

more or less

cannot be bought

save by pennies

on the eyes

Its all gone South

craw-daddies dead

the color of unspent greenbacks

stuck in the craws

of parrished innocents,

Mardi Gras floats

Deliverance was unavailable from

the apolitical dervish apocalypse

Louisiana purchased

its whirligiged wave

the big easy came

in porkbarrels

with bad buy you voodoo

from the lax maws

of hogheaded good ol' boys

who under-taxed levies

over-topping the Corps

onto the backs of po' boys

O brother where art thou(sands)

the meek inherit mud

the waters silted with

obscuring guilt

an ounce of aftermath

pounding at the flood gates

of unspent prevention

amid the reconstructed plague

of sound biting carpetbaggers

Tara, Tara, Tara

surprised by televised

Tora, Tora, Tora

The good die young

engorged on

tidbit greed

and minute visions

telling needs

what is the case

for gratification delayed

seems naught

but barebones

and skeleton keys

one way tickets

a secret word

only four heard

I have their recipe

but cannot take

the mysticake

Casting the rinds

to the outgoing ripples

of the year's end

the parings of pairs

the deneedled wreaths

and fading glad tidings

the carol's carillion

amid those pealing

last appeals

to carry on

studying stills

of others frozen happiness

thawing ice

thinned to edges

walking shoreward

without wet feet

Perfect day


do not rise

the earth quakes not

colds are uncommon

unplagued by pestilence

humanity hums

love neither

brother or sisterly

penniless, infamous

foal foolish



treasures unburied

feted, feasted


eden gardened

bouquetsof balloons

buoyedwith hope

beginning to wrinkle

like the hands

holding them tight

everyday dreams

held in abeyance

by social pressure

outgassing past

the thin gay skins

racing age

more bursting each birthday

wishing to be

enlightened enough

to blow away

The esquimos bought his ice cubes

the Arabs ate his dust

the world watched his shiny tubes

driving unsafe cars that rust

In the jungle he made

shady deals

spin doctors learned his

special spiels

the world craved his crappy meals

wrapped in a crispy crust

but wait

there's more

our disinfomercial's

not nearly done

call now and get

an afterlife

for the price of

living one

we know

no more now

than when new born

the foreshortened days

enwintered by cannibal nights

consumed by thoughts

of other's white lights

unsuckled in life

lulled by alibis

song gone

silent night

rooks croak


in crooked oak

the uncivil cradle

rocked by

clockwise mothers

real redeemers

whose children's

ungrimed fingers

turn back the

hands of time