Waiting for the fizz and bubble
of conversing enthusiasm
only flat champagne to sip
the silent may be wise or dumb
the parts do not always equal the sum
to speak or stay sagely mum
discretion or digression betrays
the tyranny of self expression
cranes and frogs
awakened anew
spring beauty and trout lily
open to air
their aromas
the green mist
of May buds
appear as smoke
our paddles dip
in the distilled still
flooded woods where
roly poly blowzy
cattails stand
like chicks on sticks
ornothopteric theatrics
paired aerial acrobatics
mirrored optics coptering
autogyroing coupled capering
In memories cemetery
pensively mending
sieved remembrances
no one is left to recall
the spectrum of the ice saw’s
crystal spray reflected
from the solid lake surface
gone is the smell of tarred
fish-tugs, trap nets
spun on fish racks
and the cisco’s drying acrid
ammonia aroma
the sound of tireless
iron wagon wheels
straining at the horse’s heels
hand pumped water
the shear weight of work
moving field stone to rows
the rhythm needed to hoe
for winter cellared roots
lumbering boreal birlers
spinning the story from pulp to glory
bare feet spare sunday boots
face cords of firewood
stacked on the porch
kerosene lamps
and candle wicks
dim times unrecollected
save for forgotten
grainy monochrome
museum images
rocking chairs
mocking easy leisure
in the current pursuit
of popular pleasure
Ceaselessly restless
peripatetic sea
planet trapped
in your bed
perforce moon moved
breakers ripplets
and combers
with curling undulations
salaaming salined adorations
to the shore
whose tidings and timings
wait upon no man
The joy of after and apre
coital consensus commingling
coalescing the mutual plasma
of caressed familiar senses
into the ultimate consequent
simultaneous seminal
spasmodic crescendo
condensing the
momentary removal
of individual divisions
into a singularity of passion
whose expression in the wild
is undefiled by
distracting distortion
We must needs go
to paris france
and dance the romance
i’d like gay paris
to have her way with me
sipping on champagne
floating down the seine
magnum insane
The crows caucus
under their own cacophony
a canopy of fluttering ravens
raving in broken croaks
over populating the
many branched oaks
where is the carrion
scented so ripe?
the malodor calls the murder
in the collective unkindness
there is no conspiracy
to be selective
from loudest to least
raving any treachery
in order to feast
The marina mast choir
halyards in the wind
beating the booms
in a shroud fuge
The thunderheads
energy forking
to ground
arcing unrestrained
unrelenting dynamic
night dynamite
dynamo blue halo
strobing cloud foddered
atmospheric aerial artillery
To the now voyager
the river is the singer
the where bringer
of rare spirit water
born on by
double ended
water walking sticks
they remain au current
through chutes paddling
to the end
of the edifying journey
balanced ballasted
afloat always
yet becalmed
coffined only by the confines
of the tapered thin skinned
pointed duality of the
constant oracle canoe
In memory’s cemetery
no one is left to recall
the spectrum of the ice saw’s
crystal spray reflected
from the solid lake surface
gone is the smell of tarred trap nets
spun on mending racks
fish tugs and the ammonia aroma
of fish drying
the sound of tireless
iron wagon wheels
straining at the horses heels
hand pumped water
the sheer weight of work
moving field stones to rows
the rhythm needed to hoe
for winter cellared roots
bare feet spare sunday boots
lumbering boreal birlers
spinning the story from pulp to glory
face cords of firewood
staked on the porch
kerosene lamps
and candle wicks
dim times unrecollected
but for grainy monochrome
museum images mocking
the easy leisure of treasure
forgotten in the current pursuit
of popular pleasure
Life leaves us
a little a day
in an uncertain
lackadaisical way
long after we
become aware
of its slow absence
one lives loves
lived past time
and tense
slipped away
unbeknownst irretrievable
we find ourselves
bewildered and bereft
at what little is left
and the fire flies of youth
expire in jars
held mittened muffled
purblind by routine
killing the unenlightened
wonder they wish to preserve
the hoary herald of senescence sentience
repeats itself
in the loud authoritarian
vainglory chicane chaconne
we will be all over again
as the thumping
of chests is the precursor
of heartland failure
who will discipline the rpG children
not to play life
as a violent game
but virtually immerse themselves
in survival’s challenge
the reality of necessary compassion
needed to reverse evolved evil
The first family totem
a carved polemic
of history
inscribed ancestry
a tribe of trees
the crow flies tired
on timed crows foot roads
from the burdened eyes
carrying long life’s weighted
aggregate loads
badges of age
too many lines towed
crevices of avoiding devices
creased into grimaces
at the Janus of
a smiling face
deliberating the vagaries
of memory’s congeries
elder codgers attempt
to contemplate and
in vain separate
that which time
exaggerates equivocates
or from ego eliminates
The roly poly ocean
with its strolly waves
a perpetual perambulation
currently displays
whereto are you filing
your lisping foam
suggest toward a home
but a compass rose rounded
belies your roaming
betrayed by a restless repose
Small creatures
caroling in
self absorbed reverie
encapsulated in the marble
of their marvel dreaming
regurgitating their
breviary of non novel
insect insignificant thoughts
happily brief investigations of alarum
Absent our present
would we sense
the swift soul outracing
the short breath of our time
beating the heart by a head
to an ambiguous finish line
leaving living in the dust
Sleep walking
like a mist
open eyed through life
meticulously dotting
immaterial i’s
touching everything
wit no mutual influence
moving on unmoved
a drifting divine
unhuman desire
for never revealed purpose
not comprehensible certainty
Just the peace of omniscience
waiting for the carnal milling
to cease as the
tombstones roll aside
How came we
to so many
eloquent disparate
none of which allows
discourse without discord
wincing with carking
at cross purpose conversation
Autumn forest fawn
peeking between the falling
arboreal shadows
and leaves
A chain of everyday events
triggered the train
of circumstantial thought
that released the
ensuing idea
The earthquake
they said
was 100 miles off
the coast of Japan
but we knew it
was actually in
the bedchamber
plagues, panics pugnacity
and plebeian ennui
we still love make
like young grizzlies
or limber boas
or any of the
others in
the bestiary on tv
The ceasing singularity
cast to end
even as ascending
eerie short sighted light
a preternatural anagnorisis
of startling finality
the orts and brawn
in the pâté
molded to the pâte
the doers dewar
for the pate
in the nebula’s crucible
a galactic gourmand
a pinpoint of singularity
the apex of the
cognizance between
neuron and synapse
the cosmic and the macrocosm
the particularity
of the quarks quirk
a precis telescoped
to the cosmogny
of one precise personality
cast to end
even as ascending
an eerie short sighted light
a preternatural anagnorisis
of startling finality