Souls shifting

on the solstice

seizing the longest day

to linger in the solace

of the season’s condolence

and as beings beyond

the age of reason

choose to cease

easing their eve

by taking leave of suffering

slipping serenely

from a short earthly spring

into eternal summer

not the appropriate place

for a poplar tree

she said erroneously

as she vigorously

lopped its limbs

arrogantly unaware

that her actions were

ironically and laterally

stimulating the

very growth

that its serendipitous

innocent placement afforded

while incidentally deadheading

the providential protection

of a natural beach head

stars failing

to forestall falling

marquee their

meteoric performance

through stellar crossed skies

reflecting their demise

in hoodwinked blink

spotlights fading

until there is

nothing but night

Bible balm

incendiary incense

intensely scented at dawn

calming sense fragrance

Long standing

trees survive

by rooting deeply

sipping every visible

sun spectrum

achieving their

aspirations through leaving

we rarely grow

a century

chasing distracting, elusive

prismatic electronic

optical phenomena

transforming their

invisible unrealistic

refractions to rainbows

in cursorily desirable

desultory dreams

You create

this empty hate

and bestow

its shadow on those

too young

to know

there is nothing

to fear but

the sadness

of your learned


I fix

the broken songs

and crooked rhymes

of aging singers

out of touch

with modern times

battling catarrh

trying to be wry

or woebegone

fretting over

fingers too arthritic

to pick unyielding

overstretched strings

their inner hollow

echoing lyrics of pathos

Poorly worded

badly chorded

doggereled anthems

of old fashioned

unplugged emotions

To be considered

clever is to flatter

what little literary

abilities are possessed

by one who matters

meddling in matters

more in jest

and wag’s wit

than in inkhorned


jester’s tattered

pundit habit

as I wend

my weary way

toward home

tired to death

at the end

of my numb

numbered days

ready to give

the earth

my warmth

then in twilight

struck dumb

by the stilled evening’s

given pause

I rouse rally

bestirred by

a solitary star

Amidst the modern

midden heaps

scavenging for sane civility

hoping it is hidden still

in the moralless middle

of the mindless morass

of illiterating media dung

among the detritus of misplaced

missing kindness

uncovering only for now

evidence of the illusive archetype

abstruse, unfathomable

enshrined untarnished

abidingly astonishing

inscribed on the walls

in the inscrutable script

of the pre dawn civilization

temples buried

under us all

the onrush

of waterfalls and whales

the push before

the clap of tails

and end of trails

the sateen downfall and glissade

the susursurus breathless rise

after the dive

and the consequent plunge’s mist

mirrors of spume and spray

The coral rimmed maw of dawn

yawning in

supine circumference

an oracle

to the awakening

gaping gasp

an oral aping

of our expression

on expressing

the primal breath

The frustrated feral wind

furrowing the lake

with icicle tined rake

harrowing the unmouldable

still blue field’s

to fluid fickle rows

it cold clawing coulter

unrewarded by the poor

liquid sod

becoming turgidly rigid

when frigid

enviably returning

its briefly corrogated

to a placid unplowed

state of mind


the sane silent and impotent

see the global demagogues’ ability

to rouse and unravel civility

by crowd sourcing

unrested rabble


by democracy

the lowest

common denominations

in nations enthralled

by the short sighted propaganda

of divisive

out voicing megalomania

thus disenfranchised

the tragically bemused

are disabused

of the solemn power

to discern which witch

is unjustly hunted

or pompously

protesting too much

overwrought by the sly glad handers

the underhanded and the hugely funded

hand wringing dumbfounded

politically impoverished

electronically spayed

by unanswerable characters

Tis a pity you

can’t tithe a pittance

toward inner truth

so by avoiding your void

deepen it

disporting gotten gelt

as an unmelting heart


beggared for calming warmth

and the alms

of encircling arms


net worth for

an enmeshing web

of things

a midlife midas of much

bereft and untouched

If I were a bubble

beneath the breaking waves

I would take the trouble

to see how they behaved

are the curls consistent

do the crests cut clean

or hide tugging undertow unseen

where are they headed to beach or rocky rest

Unsung among

the classless glass eyed

myrmidons and marionettes

busily amassing things

you unperceived

pull strings

trying to stop

the drone behavior

of the hive


easy honey

attracts more flies

than is wise

the primal misapprehension

of my intentions

instigated by the immediate amygdalic erection

of the invisible tripcord

to the electric chicken wire

of your caged

paranoiac defenses

begs a reciprocal defencing response

a priori

to any apprehension

of my innocent comment

and disrupts any subsequent

tranquil rapport

precipitating a recurring chorus of

induced redundant stuttering

of the prosaic lover's lament

Forest fire

frost fan

illuminating flame rainbow

a flambouyant igneous flambe

ignited by Fall

shedding its tears

of leaves


for seasons lost

Eddied spume

shivering unsteady

spray fume

shimmered quivering

soap bubbled gossamer

blowsy blouse gowned

tousled puffed ruff

blown to soon erased lace

on the untidied shore

An orotund

less than

melliflous marmoreal


expounding stone lines

with lead chisel

sound the branked

tight lipped

artfully engaging

their shrunken hearts and skulls

encouraging tied tongues

toward unbound

dedogmatic dialogue

On a chestnut mare

with chestnut hair

and green eyes

fearless flashing

audacious Baudica

the boudacious queen

auburn hair flying at a canter

she throats her bellicose cry

live free or die

and waves her tam o shanter

elegant liquid

entraining containing

the most intimate form

of self expression

conforming the evolving

body of water

small seas of


posiedon’s daughters

and sons comingled


anew begun

engulfing and embracing

the conception

of conceiving

Amniona stirs

and awakens


safe in the secure sea

gestating together

a thousand cells a second

thumbing faithfully

the double beaded

mitochondrial rosary

of inheritance

continually tossing the commemorative coin

choosing by preconceived chance the deliverance

of parental traits

awaiting expression

taking in

at first breath

the length

And breadth of life