
Book 15 Winter 2016

the universal pundit

with infinite jest

spins positive to negative

with particular gravity

and cards held to chest

be it careful chance

or nonchalant neglect

it begs special relative respect

for the especially elegant

femininity of weakforce

electron affinity

the fatal attraction of

bipolar romance

machs nix mechanics

big bang or none above

there is no unified theory

for the physics of love

I want to be

a photon

not here until

you see me

a cat with

curious possibilities

able to choose

my own path


to travel time

in both directions


in a pas de deux

that never comes

to pass

I wish to exit this

plane of existence

to decamp from

the plain of

lost daily battlefields

littered with the little grinding

frustrations and unwon wars

foxed with broken shoelaces

crossed wires blank faces

small insistent fires

and constant fear filled

tear brimmed days

to be cleanly excised

removed to a

polar opposite

placid place of playful

and palliative peace

there is an ocean

of aqueous humor

the white lashed waves

blinking away

the deep salted tears of laughter

at the sun’s jaundiced pupil

the slapstick slipping

of their joshing sloppy lapping

the raucous comic relief

of the gulls

the ceaseless giggling

that the horizon

ever the straight man


under the sloshing briny belly laughs

leaving we who are wet

behind the ears

at sea


with the gagging discovery

that our interior monologue

hides in asides

life’s inside joke

is on us

there is an ocean

of aqueous humor

viewed through the daily blink

of the sun’s jaundiced pupil

the white lashed waves squeeze

deep salted tears of laughter

at their slapstick slipping

onto the sloshing sloppy

lapping briny belly

laughing at

the raucous comic relief

of the gulls joshing

the ceaseless giggling

as the horizon

ever the straight man

loses his line

leaving we who are wet

behind the ears

at sea


with the discovered gag

that our interior monologue

hides in asides:

life’s inside joke

is on us

away with words

you cannot procure

with any earthly surety

avowal for greater purchase

on the random number

of blank days

blurring by on

Fortune’s spinning wheel

with the appropriate modicum

of decorum

the morning doves declare

the alarum at the

the opprobrium

of our trespass

pas tres bien

I have brought

you to the well

but you are yet

to unwell to drink

you think

the mountains

will move to you

but your cool distance

does not shrink

who can fathom

the depth of hurt

harbored in your heart

do not pale and waste

try to ignite

a passion fire

before the ashes

of desire

are all you taste

For those

who chose

a life of frivolity

and folly

it is not perverse

to choose between

the cure and the curse

for which is worse

to be oblivious

yet by jupiter jolly

and live in

revelry and life’s

light verse

or be beset

with infernal diablery

and perpetually

rehearse for

the hearse

eddied spume

unsteady shivering

shimmered quivering

a tatted lace

soap bubble puffed

gossamer ruffed gown

blown to erase

the blowsy blouse

of the tousled tatty

untidied shore

beached at eventide

old men at ebb tide

bearding their age

pacing between the hairline

of receding waters and the empty shells

of the eroded foundations of their

baldly exposed

redundant silicate redoubts

wrinkled bastions of boyish enthusiasm

belied by the fixed crenate grimace

of youthful aggression

waiting for the buoyant spasm

of the last crests

to lift their

fading spirits

oblivion’s companion

commits the sin

of omission

mistaking an

empty plate

for a blank slate

stillness is not


sloth is late

to the fete

Astray in the

see sawed forest

waylayed, lost

blinded by

too many trees

reminded by the

warped lumber

of the tense past

the present imperfect

bowing toward

a bored future

knotted, stumped


is when then

reminded by

new pruned


light fingers

from the trunk

full of legerdemain

the thicket quickens

and again begins