Book 11
In Arden's forest Eden
weary from loveless labor
lost, leary, kin forsaken fools
wishing all to end well
staged to end as we like it
yet ever a comedy of error
Groping for the mystic
nonsense exitence mystery
hoping to discover
(mind ablank)
a reproducible reassuring pattern
of self substantiation and
existence extension
our barrel vaulted brains
hold the cure
just bring both barrels
to bear
giving shot to the dark
bearing in mind
as we bear our crypts
to have a care
the barrel's bottom
may be bare
I know you
must use your
badge of sorrows
now as a shield
to prorect the
emerging you
but when the
time comes and
you can believe
a little in yourself
uncover and let it fall
expose and toughen yourself
to life's sun
feel your feeelings
unlensed by
parents, childhood fears
imagined flaws and faults
betrayals and guilt
look smiling and unafraid
into your mirror
in the end there is
no relection
save from your own light
Igneous cumulus
indigo night negated
ebony edged
a prelude guilded by
the dawn's birthday delight
Aspen's appause
for autumn
summer's loss of leaf
falling away with
each shorter day
tipping the balance
toward lifeless
leaving the season grieving
in colorful disarray
unseeing I seek
with withering wrinkling cheek
fruitlessly for
the winter peach
desireable even with
pithy pulp and pit
a rasin 'd de etre
hung on low bough's
sapient limb
an unpruned plum
yet ever out of reason's reach
I want to be
where the sea
ceases and the
sky starts
departing from
heavy weather
into thin air
condensed and unclouded
I Land
The dog shaded
the rose silver of fog
at dawn
hounds the swans
once swift
now bound fast
in ice
quicker than flight
I have a sleeveless heart
divorced from wives unwilling
and faithless lovers leaving
but what has mended
was not unbroken
though sadly ended
and so unclothed
its tenderness tangled
by exposure
still it would not be loathed
to hear softly dsiclosed
fitting like a velvet glove
the word Love
There must be a
moment in spare time
since time dilation is possible
where the biological
the metaphysical and theoretical physics
can interact to make thought
electrically preservable and tranferrable
vesseled into spirits
warm bread
newly risen
buttered words spread
by pen to
open mouth
uttered bitten
written by the hand
holding the staff of life
Wii fear
not being the we
are key bored
techtarded, twittering
voiced only on our own
PC petard
Enamored of the
electric soma
ill teladvised by the
talking skulls hidden
behind their polished
cell phonies
imprisoned by
email armor
byte by byte
by ringing distractions
RAMmed into memories
made small i's
by our Apples
Hey world hear
I'm here to rollick
my melody rolls over joy
and jumps at the
kick of heels up
and a kinder cup brimmed with
a hat full of rain
I feel, but
not pain
let's raise
sugared cane
and calliope
some happy
in jig time
March and dance
carol the zephyrs
clicking spring heels
carousing carrouseling
merrily going round a lay
The attractive grammar flattery
of floral magnets
causes Commas and Question Marks to
pause and inquire at their flowery pherome courts
where nectaring Monarchs and their sipping mimics,Viceroys
also wing applause
lured by nosegay hues and scent sentences
to become pupals
snug in the reinCarnation caskets
of the Chrysalis Palace
In the brain forest
thoughts leaf out
divining limbic branch to branch
synapses sway toward
every wet burst of dopamine lightening
in the daily sensory deluge
dendrites sort the detritus
brainstorming from the unformed
pooling information without a drop of senses
and with a flash of insight
making sense of every drop
Verbal validation
written authorization
auditory lauditory
bard regard
pundit plaudit
neolog ego
literally philostine
Why does this horrorshow
have a Spring?
while broken hands finger new buds
and flowers en mass green graves
who hates dew
whose rage is in a soft rain
how can steel invade flesh
when upshot blades are green
when the air is fresh for all
and the afterthought of winter
is ever warm
Madonna Maya
bird of paradise
cenote eyed
hip slung
young one burdened
of no thirst
playing in the dust
of toltec temple technology
a ruin in advanced decline
built of blooded stone
the runed calendars
predicting a long demise
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